Date: Tuesday, 01 Mar 2022 07 : 00 am
Get wisdom and sell it not

Message Title: WISDOM
Bible Texts: Proverb 4:6-7, Matthew 27:19, Proverb 3:13, James 1:5, Psalms 19:7

To make it in life one ought to be wise. Even the bible says “He who wins a soul is called wise”. Be ye wise for the days are evil. We should understand that in all our dealings wisdom is paramount. A fool never thinks of tomorrow, he or she only thinks of the present where by if he arrives into the next day he will become stranded and would wish he had prepared everything for himself before.
Every creation of God has a purpose and every man created by God has a complete sense which enables him think and make decisions.

Ways to get wisdom
1. Fear of God
2. Desire to get wisdom
3. Pray for wisdom